The EmconIT
Vendor Co-Op Program

Pay only for what you use. Earn rewards for what you don’t.

Over 25 years of experience

10-point certification process for all our engineers

Gartner-recognized for third party maintenance

Domestic and international service delivery

Hardware and software solutions

Not all systems maintenance programs work evenly. Sometimes, people pay for maintenance they don’t use. Wouldn’t it be great if you could earn money back from the maintenance you didn’t use, in addition to the already great savings?

Energy companies offer rebates on energy efficiency programs. Insurance companies boast accident forgiveness policies. Both of these also provide the assurance of always-on, always-available services. So why can’t a third party maintenance provider do likewise? That’s just what we’ve done here at EmconIT, and it’s already made a big impact on some of our clients.

It’s just like our CEO, Mike Gnapp, said: “At EmconIT, we constantly strive to innovate our service and solution offerings. Our vendor co-op program is one of them.”

What Makes EmconIT's Vendor Co-Op Program So Valuable?

Our program is unique in the following ways.

Monthly rebates You won’t need to wait until the end of your term of service to get rewarded. If you don’t see any failures that month, you’ll get money back on that month’s coverage.

Assurance of coverage Even if you’re getting money back from us, that won’t stop your 24/7/365 coverage. We’ll make sure that when you have a problem, we’ll be there to step in.

Options in how you save We won’t just cut you a check and call it a day. We have a range of program options for you to consider to make sure you get your savings your way.

No hassles Once you’ve picked your plan, you don’t need to do anything to get your savings. We’ll manage the statements and apply the savings just how you want them applied.

What You Should Know About the EmconIT Vendor Co-Op Program

There are a few key points to know to ensure you get the most out of this package.

Rebates are based on the contract’s total value We calculate your rebate percentage based on the total contract value. Therefore, the more you spend, the higher the rebate you’ll receive monthly when there are no equipment failures to address.

Rebate credits are offered monthly We calculate the value of the credits you receive based on the maintenance usage report taken from the preceding 30-day period. This means less waiting – unless you’d prefer to wait.

Credits are applied to the contract’s total value When we apply your rebate percentage, we can do it in several ways. We can either apply it to the final payment on the contract or, if you’re satisfied with our service and plan to renew, we can apply those credits to your next renewal, allowing your coverage to continue at lower costs.

How Do I Take Advantage of EmconIT's Vendor Co-Op Program?

We’ve got a lot more to offer than our vendor co-op program. If you want Gartner-recognized third party maintenance at up to 70% off, then just reach out to us to get started.

Wondering how much you can save on unused service?

Let’s talk about how you can get full value for your maintenance support.

When we have an internal billing issues, EmconIT is far more thorough than other vendors we deal with and this makes finding the solutions so much easier.

- C.K., Global Defense, Aerospace, and Security Company